建设工程设计合同(二) Engineering Service Contract (Ⅱ) (专业建设工程设计合同) (Professional Engineering Service Contract For Construction Project) 工 程 名 称: Name of the project: 工 程 地 点: Location of the project: 合 同 编 号: (由设计人编填) Contract No.: (Filled in by the Designer) 设计证书等级: Level of the design certificate: 发 包 人: Employer: 设 计 Designer: 签 人: 定 日 期: Date of contract: 江 苏 省 建 设 厅 监制 江苏省工商行政管理局 Supervised by: Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce 发包人: Employer: (Party A) 设计人: Designer: (Party B) 发包人委托设计人承担 工程设计,工程地点 为 ,经双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同执行。 The Employer entrust the Designer to undertake the engineering design of *** and the location for the project is within the plant of .After friendly consultation, the Parties hereby sign this Contract as follows: 第一条 本合同签订依据。 Article 1 Basis for the conclusion of this Contract 1.1《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、 《建设工程勘察 设计市场管理规定》。 1.1 The Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China; The Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China; Regulations on the Administration of the Market for Survey and Design of Engineering Construction. 1.2 国家及地方有关建设工程勘察设计管理法规和规章。 1.2 National and local rules and regulations on the administration of the market for survey and design of engineering construction. 1.3 建设工程批准文件。 1.3 Approval documents of the engineering construction 第二条 设计依据。 Art icle 2 Bas is for des ign of the engineer ing cons truct ion 2.1 发包人给设计人的委托书或设计中标文件 2.1 Letter of Authority or documents on letter of acceptance provided by the Employer to the Designer. 2.2 发包人提交的基础资料 2.2 Basic materials submitted by the Employer. 2.3 设计人采用的主要技术标准是: 国家及地方现行的技术标准和规范 2.3 The main technological standards adopted by the Designer are as follows: Current national and local technological standards, rules and regulations. 第三条 合同文件的优先次序 Article 3 Priority of the contractual documents Current national and local technological standards, rules and regulations. 构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致, 则根据如下优先次序来判断: The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another, but in case of ambiguities or discrepancies, the priority of the 1 documents forming the contract shall be as follows: 3.1 合同书 3.1 The Contract 3.2 中标函(文件) 3.2 The Letter of Acceptance (documents); 3.3 发包人要求及委托书 3.3 Requirements of the Employer and letter of authority; 3.4 投标书 3.4 The Tender. 第四条 本合同项目的名称、规模、阶段、投资及设计内容(根据行业特点 填写)。 Article 4 Name, size, stages, investment and content of design (which may be filled in according to the characteristics of the industry). 名称: Name: 规模: Size: 阶段: Stage: 投资:约 万美元 Investment: About dollars 设计内容及工作范围: Design content and work scope: 第五条 发包人向设计人提交的有关资料、文件及时间。 Article 5 Materials and documents delivered by the Employer to the Designer and time for delivery of materials and documents 1.上级部门的批复文件。(合同生效后) 1.Official reply document by higher authority(after effectiveness of contract); 2.设计开始前应提供有关技术规格资料。(合同生效后) 2.The Employer should supply related technological specification documents before starting to design; 3.主管部门对方案设计的审批意见。(施工图开始前提供) 3. Official reply of the power supply department on consent of the power supply. (supply before construction drawing) 第六条 设计人向发包人交付的设计文件、份数、地点及时间 。 Article 6 Delivery of design documents by the Designer to the contract issuing party and copies, location and time for the delivery 第七条 费用。 Article 7 Charges 7. 1 双 方 商 定 , 本 合 同 的 设 计 费 为 万元。收 费 依 据 和 计 算 方 法 按 国 家 和地方有关规定执行,国家和地方没有规定的,由双方商定。 7.1 The Parties agree that charges for the design hereunder shall be . The basis for 2 charges and the method of computing shall be in accordance with relevant national and local provisions. Where there are no relevant national and local provisions, it shall be discussed and determined by the Parties. 7. 2 如 果 上 述 费 用 为 估 算 设 计 费 , 则 双 方 在 初 步 设 计 审 批 后 , 按 批 准 的 初步设计概算核算设计费。工程建设期间如遇概算调整,则设计费也应 作相应调整。 7.2 If the design charges mentioned above are appraised prices, both parties will compute design charges based on the approved rough estimate of preliminary design after preliminary design approval. If there is rough estimate adjustment in period of engineering construction, the design price will be adjusted accordingly. 第八条 支付方式。 Article 8 Terms of payment 8.1 本 合 同 生 效 后 三 天 内 , 发 包 人 支 付 设 计 费 总 额 的 30% , 计 万元作为定金(合同结算时,定金抵作设计费)。 8.1 Within three days upon the effectiveness of this contract, the Employer shall pay the Designer 30% of contract price namely RMB Yuan as the down payment.( The down pay

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